Hunching over for long periods of time can have major effects on your body and can cause negative effects on your health. Whether you are leaning over your desk at work, picking up a heavy box or staring down at your mobile phone for hours on end, posture is very important and slouching can affect more than just the way you look.

A healthy spine has three natural curves that form an S-shape; one at the neck, one at the upper part of the back and one on the lower part of the back. Good posture helps to maintain these curves to keeps bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly and your chance of lower back pain, amongst others, is reduced. It’s very important to keep the many intricate structures in the back and spine healthy.

Poor posture can have an effect on many parts of your body, making you more prone to injuries. Without good posture, your muscles and ligaments can become strained and stiff, leaving you feeling pain and in the long term, potentially causing serious musculoskeletal disorders.

Good posture may also have an effect on your digestion as when you are sitting up straight, your internal organs are in the correct position. You also look much more confident and self-assured when you are standing up straight.

Tips for good posture at home

Sitting comfortably

If you are going to be sitting at a table or desk at home, getting the right chair is very important. It should be adjustable and should support your lower back. Start by sitting back in your seat so that you maintain contact between your back and the seatback. Then, adjust your chair, making sure that your feet are not dangling and are instead flat on the floor and try to keep your knees in line with your hips.

Getting a good mattress

Most of us need around eight hours of sleep a night. Getting the wrong mattress can be detrimental to our posture, whilst choosing the right one can help to minimise factors that might lead to back pain, as well as impact your quality of sleep.

A supportive mattress is what you should be looking for but that varies from person to person. To find the right one for you, it is best to lay on a mattress and try it in the store before you purchase it. Too firm and it will push your pressure points out of alignment but too soft will not support them.

If your mattress is very old or you can feel the springs inside it, then it’s probably a good time to get a new one.

Using a computer

Your screen should be directly in front of you at an arm’s length away at the correct level – the top of your screen should be just at or slightly below eye level otherwise this could lead to problems with your neck and back. When your screen is in the right position, be sure to adjust it to the correct brightness as well. A wrist rest on your mouse mat may reduce pressure on your wrists and hands.

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